Supporting Local Business

  • I have run a small business and it was challenging enough running it from home but then when we need an industrial unit to produce the goods it became a lot more difficult as the bills were huge. I can only imagine how difficult it is running a shop on a high street especially when so many people shop online now. But I feel very strongly about keeping high streets vibrant and ensuring we have a place to go in our communities. 
  • Local authorities should work closely with local businesses and seek to help them save money through sharing resources and offering opportunities. I also support the giving of grants to help businesses expand or get going which can be issued and managed through local government.  Many small businesses struggle to take the next steps towards growth because they cannot get the capital that enables them to buy the piece of equipment needed or invest in skills.  Also access to the latest technology is something which can really boost a growing business and Government needs to think about how to provide access to this using perhaps co-operative models or interest free loans.
  • Business rates can be varied by local authorities but we need to ensure that a fair share of the money from rates goes towards attracting people to high streets and shops. Also with town regeneration projects seeking ways to help local authorities hold some space for new businesses - shared shops or covered market areas - which can be given for no or small rents that helps them gain a presence.